Aug 31Liked by Arun Gupta

The thing about AIPAC: where do they get their money?

If we recognise that Israel could not fund its genocide itself, could not afford the weapons without billions of dollars of donations from the US; then it becomes apparent that if they weren't getting American money for bombs, and were having to pay for it themselves, they would have to cut back on spending elsewhere.

Defund the genocide, and you will also defund AIPAC. Defund the genocide, and Israel will face the options of ceasing its slaughter or ceasing to exist.

So this is flat out corruption really. The Democrats are gifting your taxpayer money to Israel in order to launder some of it back into their own pockets, or at the very least, their own campaigns, via AIPAC and the murder of children. The whole thing is outrageous and disgusting.

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Totally: “No arms embargo, no vote” though the filibuster and Citizens United are still weighing down the scale for genocide. Code Pink has a six point plan for change- https://codepink.substack.com/p/who-are-they-the-ca-legislative-jewish

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Thanks for sharing! I will take a look.

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They are all complicit in the Genocide, by their actions and failure to protect the Palestinians .

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when K Harris loses in November, she can hire Kellyane Conway, she can explain her all about the missing votes from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Detroit…

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Well how else is one supposed maintain the American empire. Every political, economic and military scheme of America equates to the loss of life or the erasure of groups altogether. The Dems and Republicans share a common devotion, and that is to capitalism and the capitalist world order. Is so obvious KH will do the same job. There is no Why and If involved in empire keeping.

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I think it is important to explain the forces of power at work. Even many people who understand the nature of imperialism, don't necessarily understand the details about how billionaires are scheming to manipulate American public opinion and the media to sell the genocide.

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Aug 31Liked by Arun Gupta

I've gotta say Arun, yourself along with others such as Caitlin Johnstone are doing an awesome job of this.

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Fair enough. Without manipulation there cannot be governance. Mainstream media itself should be abolished over time, in terms of divesting and boycotting all such outlets of propaganda and counter-propaganda. Expose the manipulation we should, by all means.

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RemovedAug 31
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I removed your comment because this is not a platform for genocide denialism.

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deletedAug 29
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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

I've read this article. It's totally spurious, isn't it? Let's look at those four points.

1. Biden loves Israel. Yes he does. Thanks for acknowledging it. It's extraordinary that you think this is a point in his defence.

2. October 7th. My favourite part of this section was where it said that Israel is fighting against "terror organization that slaughtered hundreds of civilians and holds hostages". Israel has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians and holds tens of thousands of hostages. Your next point please?

3. Israel's domestic politics make it hard. Boo Hoo.

4. Biden Can’t End the War Without Israel’s Cooperation. Yes he can. He can simply stop sending billions of dollars worth of weapons. Then Israel won't have the weapons to continue even if they want to.

It's not nuanced at all. It's genocide. There are no nuances in genocide, and even if there were hypothetically some sometimes, there aren't any here. Biden and Harris are continuing the genocide because they're evil. That's all that needs to be said.

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deletedAug 31
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Amos responded factually and intelligently. You are responding with juvenile insults, David. Don't bother commenting anymore.

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Aug 31Liked by Arun Gupta

Thanks. I appreciate that you don't want your page to turn into a huge screaming argument, but I was very ready to keep going myself.

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I mean, I know spewing torrents of incendiary rage is hard to find on the internet. Not like I have ever done that myself. ;-)

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Arun Gupta

I recognise that I am too easily inflamed and I cannot let go of an argument.

It is exacerbated at the moment by the continual stream of dead children in my feed that my government has paid to kill. I can in material terms do nothing for the people of Gaza. The only thing I can do is hear them, and rage on their behalf.

And the boycotts of course!

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

So you have no answer to any of my points? You sound like an Israeli apologist who has lived his entire life inside a propaganda bubble.

I'm 45 and I'm British, you idiot. What on earth is the point you're making in this post? "There's nothing you can do about it, haha fuck off?" That's not massively convincing.

It's currently illegal for British citizens to travel to Gaza and participate on the side of Palestine, so I shan't be doing that. Besides which I have a job and a life. Pressuring my elected politicians and making my voice heard are the only things I can realistically do; in this context your post seems like "shutup shutup!".

Are you actually physically doing anything yourself, or are you also just firing off words on substack? If you believe in the genocide so much, why don't you go there and take up arms yourself? It is legal, I understand for Americans to fight as mercenaries on the Israeli side. What a ridiculous argument.

Come on, answer the points, especially 2 and 4:

2: throughout its entire existence Israel has murdered many more Palestinian civilians than Hamas has murdered Israeli ones. In this recent spate of violence Israel has murdered in the region of between a hundred and thousand times as many civilians as Hamas are accused of murdering on October 7th. The murder of civilians is not an argument that counts in Israel's favour.

4: If America (and to a lesser extend Britain) stopped sending the guns and the money, the genocide would cease in short order, whatever the nature of Israeli politicians. Do you dispute this? Above all though, it would certainly be true, that even if the genocide continued, America and American citizens would not be guilty of it. It's going to happen anyway you say? Fine, then it can happen without my involvement.

As a bonus round, you could also have a go at: What do you think Trump is going to do in America that the Democrats have not done overseas? Since Americans have been supressing democracy throughout the world for decades, and maintaining the third world status of many other countries, would it not do Americans good to get a taste of their own medicine?

It would be a very good thing for all of us if America had no influence outside its own borders.

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deletedAug 31
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To do you the courtesy of assuming that what you say in this post is true: I therefore imagine that you're a diehard Democrat, who thinks that what happens overseas is of negligible importance compared to what happens in America. I imagine that you probably believe all the anti-trump hype (do you still believe that Putin hacked the Democrats' emails, you do you recognise that that was false?). Myself, I recognise that Trump is an abomination, but it would only be four years, and if he genuinely tries to cancel democracy that will be the death of far-right politics in America forever, as long as people like you stand up and fight. It will be a good thing in the long run.

On this level what I'd like to put to you is this: there are some things that are completely evil, for which there can be no tolerance. Genocide is at the top of that list. Are you really saying that genocide is OK, if supporting it is necessary to prevent Trump winning? Can you understand how this looks to the rest of the world?

These are not rhetorical questions. I am genuinely interested in your answer.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

No, not enough. Still no answers to the points, still more chaff thrown out to distract.

2. Israel has killed far more Palestinians than Palestinians have killed Israelis. October 7 has been wiped out as a complicating factor by the obscene tally of murder committed both since and before that date. Yes or no?

4. Biden and Harris must stop sending money and weapons, to tell Netanyahu that his insider trading with Congress is over and the supply lines are being cut. As long as they say concerned words but continue sending money and weapons, we all know that Netenyahu will ignore everything they say.

Also, how come a minute ago you were telling me to go fight in Gaza? Are you yourself fighting in Gaza?

Finally, if you've never supported Israel and reject Netenyahu, what on earth was your previous "There's nothing you can do about it, haha fuck off?" post about, and how come you've taken four different approaches so far in this conversation whose sole common element is "Stop criticising Israel?"

And what the holy fuck was all that business about brothers and sisters?

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deletedAug 29
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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Arun Gupta

Jill Stein might, and she is right there on the ballot paper, you could vote for her if you wanted to.

If we hypothetically remove Jill Stein from the list then there are two candidates who both promise more war and slaughter. A vote for either is a vote for genocide. You might tell me it's going to happen anyway. All very well. It can happen then. I will not have the blood on my hands, but you will. If you vote for it, you are complicit.

If my brother or sister engaged in genocide I would disown them. Israel is not my brother, it's an evil murderous settler state which has been continuously engaged in atrocities for the whole of not only mine, but my father's lifetime. Where are your red lines? How much further would they have to go before it would be too much for you?

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